, A Service of IdeaBridge, LLC
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Leaders aren’t born…
they're developed.

The most effective leaders have discovered how to use their influence to make things better. But they cannot do all the work themselves; they must guide, lead and inspire their teams to focus on what matters most. This requires confidence, consistency of communication and clarity of direction.

Nearly 1,000 executives have graduated from our programs, all of which are designed to develop your people to be the best leaders they can be. Our approach builds confidence and develops the core leadership skills that are directly linked to better business results.

Download our brochure or contact us for more information... 

Our Bank Leadership Programs:

Executive Coaching
Clients receive counsel and training that is tailored to their personal development goals and business objectives. We relentlessly follow-up to offer guidance, perspective & accountability for results.
Leadership Development Program
Designed to enhance the leadership effectiveness and improve the business results of experienced executives and the businesses they lead. This is a formal program with workbooks and coaching.
Manager Training
Trains managers with the tools and advanced skills necessary to think more strategically, balance their time between priorities, productively coach their people and improve their results.
Speeches & Offsite Facilitation
A frequent keynote speaker and facilitator for management offsites, John Callos is noted for driving teams and individuals to make decisions and take decisive action to improve results.
Bank Leadership White Paper

Enter your email address to download our complimentary White Paper The New Expectations of Bank Leaders.

Leadership Assessment

Enter your email address to download our free 84-point Leadership Assessment.

Merging Bank Cultures

Enter your email address to download our complimentary White Paper to find out how to Merge Bank Cultures.

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