, A Service of IdeaBridge, LLC
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CEOs know why it's lonely at the top

Nearly everyone has a story of betrayed confidences - not always malicious in intent, but damaging nonetheless. A moment of doubt shared with the wrong colleague could have career implications.

We serve as an outside advisor and a confidential sounding board to provide deep insights & perspective to CEOs. We brings a wealth of experience and an independence unattached to any particular outcome, something that's unobtainable when discussing options or sharing concerns with others in the company.

We also can work closely with a CEO’s direct reports in the areas of leadership development, executive coaching and strategic planning offsites.

Download our brochure or contact us for more information... 

Our Bank CEO Programs:

CEO Advisory
A tremendous growth opportunity for CEOs to receive deep insight, counsel and perspective through a face-to-face, confidential advisory relationship that’s free from politics or positioning.
CEO Compass
The CEO’s direct reports provide quick monthly updates on major business objectives, personal development goals and key deliverables in a simple online tool that tracks progress & shortfalls.
Executive Coaching
The direct reports of the CEO receive counsel and training that’s tailored to the personal development goals and business objectives necessary for their continued growth and development as leaders.
Speeches & Offsite Facilitation
A frequent keynote speaker and facilitator for management offsites, John Callos is noted for driving teams and individuals to make decisions and take decisive action to improve results.
Bank Leadership White Paper

Enter your email address to download our complimentary White Paper The New Expectations of Bank Leaders

Leadership Assessment

Enter your email address to download our free 84-point Leadership Assessment.

Merging Bank Cultures

Enter your email address to download our complimentary White Paper to find out how to Merge Bank Cultures.

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